(This post was revised on April 23, 2015 after I became a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT), and most recently on May 10, 2020).
My name is Jane Doe Suzanne and I’m a tangle addict.
Apparently, I’m also a pusher as several friends are now also tangle addicts. (You know who you are.) The thing is, I don’t really want to be cured of my tangle addiction.
You notice there’s a little “TM” after the word “Zentangle” in the title of this post. That’s because Zentangle is a registered trademark. Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas, who trademarked the term, describe their Zentangle method as “an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns”. My initial reaction was “this is doodling on steroids”. N.B.: Rick and Maria don’t like the “D” word. 😉
There were signs of my potential for this addiction early on. If my law partners found a page of notes from a meeting laying around the conference room, they could recognize it as mine by my distinctive doodles. Three years of attending law school lectures allowed me to perfect some of my more elaborate favorites. (Hey, doodling is more polite than sleeping, or reading the newspaper in the back of the lecture room. From a distance, it looks like one is intently taking notes about the pearls of legal wisdom being shared from the podium).
With some relief I learned from a CBS Sunday Morning piece that there is actually scientific proof that doodling improves concentration during lectures, meetings and even telephone calls. Doodling engages enough of the mind to keep one from spacing out daydreaming. A Wall Street Journal article maintains that the images we create help us recall the information we heard while we were “doodling” them. I think that’s probably true. After all, notwithstanding despite my penchant for doodling, I passed the Bar Exam on the first try.
According to the CBS Sunday morning story, unlike anything in Washington these days, doodling is a bipartisan activity. John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan both doodled and Hillary Clinton was seen doodling during a United Nations meeting.
I was very happy to learn that doodling is actually a “thing”—other than just — well —doodling. It’s “tangling”. The “Official” Zentangle method has its own vocabulary and a starter kit you can purchase. In fact, on Amazon.com (affiliate link) there are no fewer than 220 Zentangle related books and supplies you can buy. There are some official rules for the Zentangle method and there are Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT’s) who have taken a course with Roberts and Thomas—(yay me!).
I thought having “rules” to follow while tangling might be too anxiety producing for me. I was that kid who always compulsively colored inside the lines—which caused my creative artist father great concern. One of the official Zentangle method rules is that there is no such thing as a mistake; hence, you will not be given an eraser in an introductory Zentangle class. You’re supposed to think of “mistakes” as “opportunities”. I’m trying!
Now that I’ve learned more about Zentangle from the Mother Ship (so to speak), I’m pretty sure I “get” the nuances of the “Zentangle method”. I can report that I’m a happier, less anxious person now that the Zentangle method is part of my life. I could never calm my mind enough to master pure meditation, but I can draw tangles for hours. Sometimes I find myself in a zone akin to what I think those who meditate are attempting to achieve. Other times, while I’m tangling, I can finally think through and find solutions for problems or issues that have been vexing me in the somewhat frenetic, chaotic place that is my brain IRL (in real life). I also am usually tangling when I “watch” cable news–definitely not part of the Zentangle method.
In case you stray from the official Zentangle method construct, you can call your creation “Zentangle Inspired Art” — a/k/a ZIA.
7 Warning Signs that You’re Probably a Tangle Addict
- You find drawing repetitive patterns and filling in minute details to be relaxing.
- You see patterns in everything, everywhere.
- You purchase (and wear!) patterned clothing that you previously wouldn’t have been caught dead in.
- Your fingers (and your clothing, furniture and possibly your white dog) are stained with indelible ink.
- It is not safe to leave you alone in an art supply store with a credit card.
- You belong to more than one Facebook group with the word “Zentangle” in its title.
- You look forward to long airplane rides because you can tangle for many hours without feeling guilty that you should be doing something else — especially if the plane ride is longer than the battery life on your laptop. This is why tangling is a perfect addiction for travel bloggers.
I was turned on to introduced to tangling (via a Google search) when I was recovering from a heatlh scare in Hawaii. Others have stumbled across it at trade shows, attended a class at a local community center, found it on the internet (when they’re supposed to be researching something else), or by striking up a conversation with someone tangling on a park bench during their lunch break.
Give Zentangle a try. But, if you get hooked, Don’t. Blame. Me!
(If you haven’t had enough tangles and want more, check out my Zentangle Inspired Art Pinterest board and this blog post about Zentangle basics. You can also check out other tangles I’ve published on Boomeresque: Dinoflor, Spangles, Phirst, Segundo, Tercero, Aurabead, Aloha, Spearator, Springish, Shorely,
Some of these can also be found on tanglepatterns.com
Addendum: If you’re ready to spend some money to support your habit, here are some things to help you get started. If you make your purchases through these affiliate links, Boomeresque earns a very small commission from Amazon that does not increase your cost.
These are the books I started with:
This book, a primer to the Zentangle method, is now available in paperback and as a Kindle ebook. It is written and illustrated by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas, the founders of the Zentangle™ method.
This little starter set is an excellent value, containing some “official” Zentangle tiles, an assortment of the Sakura felt tip pens recommended by the Zentangle method founders, a shading pencil, and a “tortillion” used in the shading process.
For more paper, this a set of 21 high quality 3.5 x 3.5 inch “tiles” that are printed on the back with the Zentangle logo and a place for you to add additional information.
However, I now often use 4 x4 inch Strathmore “Artist Tiles” which have a vellum surface:
For those of you who are ready for more supplies, these “stumps” (for shading and blending) are good place to start. The tortillion included in the Zentangle set above tend to wear out too quickly, in my opinon:
This is a pack of Sakura felt tip pens:
While tiles done in the true Zentangle method style use only a 3.5 x 3.5 square paper “tile”, if you use the repetitive patterns of the method, but use color and/or other drawing aids, it is call Zentangle Inspired Art.
These are my favorite colored pencils, but they’re somewhat pricey:
I’ve also been quite happy with these colored pencils by Castle Arts:
If you want to blend colored pencils, you can use blender pencils:
If you are going to be using colored pencils, treat yourself to good pencil sharpener. You can go high tech with a battery operated sharpener:
Or old school which I actually prefer:
{ 88 comments… read them below or add one }
I blame you. 100%.
But also grateful. Having something I can do for hours on a plane is a gift.
So … I guess … Thanks. 🙂
Sonja. You have to take responsibility for your own addiction. I only led you to water—–
I enjoy the variety of tangles I’ve seen online. Very tempted to jump into the fray, but do I need another addiction?
What’s another addiction among friends? 😉
I blames you 100%%%%% and I love you for it. I love Zt and I treasure it like a gift. I hope, so much to meet you some day my friend!
Marlene, you are sooooo sweet. Are you this nice to all your pushers?
It does look rather fun. I used to doodle in high school, but later I preferred what some might call ” fine art.” Do you copy their designs? Not quite sure how this works. I suppose I should look at a book in the library.
I sometimes copy some of their designs, but now I find I’m adding some of my own and I’m trying to teach myself perspective, depth and layering. I’ve seen some pieces by “real” artists who use tangles in their real objective art.
I must be the only person on the planet that has never heard of this! But I have now…and I’m interested! So I guess you could call me an addict in the making….it looks like great fun and I love the look of the finished product. So now I am off to find it….I’ll keep you posted Ms. Pusher:)
Uh oh, Jacquie. I think you might be predisposed to a Tangle addiction.
I have doodled all my life, use the word “notwithstanding” and have never been to law school, although when I was younger I thought about law School. Does mean I am destined to another addiction? One boomers body can only take so many addictions and I think mine is full up !
That’s the thing about being a Baby Boomer, we’ve had more time to develop addictions, notwithstanding our resolutions to be good. 😉
This popped up with another friend recently. The two of you are the earliest adapters in my world. I suspect there will quickly be others. In Hawaii, we see this kind of design on bodies. 🙂
True enough, Betsy. I saw some amazing body art in Hawaii.
This is new to me Suzanne; not the doodle part, just the Zentangle part. That said the creations between airports are pretty amazing. They remind me of tattoo’s I often saw on Maori folks back home in NZ.
Hmm. I never thought of tattooing as doodling. You could start a new craft—-“dermatangling”.
Hey! You were Zentangling when we got together a few months ago and it looks like your creations have evolved. They are super cool!! I am waiting for you to create a box of “notecards” that I can appropriate for personal use! Your artist father would be proud. Clearly,you can take the artist out of……” not sure how to finish that, but you get my drift!!
I think I’m a long way from producing a box of Zentangle Inspired Art notecards!
Well, the first step in not needing recovery is admitting you do not have a problem, Suzanne! I had no clue what Zentangle was until I started seeing you post your drawings on Facebook. You do present some beautiful ones for sure! The ZIA at 34,000 feet made me smile in that you did that while on a flight. Good post! 🙂
I admit I have a tangle addiction. But, yes, I’m still not considering it a problem which it can be because it calls out to me sometimes when I should be doing something else.
I love your Zentangles, notwithstanding the use of geometric lines for your art/addiction. I actually thought I would be bored when I retired, but now you’ve added another thing to learn. Love it and need to get my husband hooked too.
Neva, having seen some of your projects in all sorts of crafts, I am confident that you could take tangling to a whole new level.
I’ve always doodled. I was an adult college student – took my first class at age 33 – and I doodled my way through classes. I think it’s true, doodling keeps your mind from wandering too far off when you’re desperately trying to stay awake and/or focused. I’ve never done anything to this extent though and don’t want to get started because I’ll end up an addict. I have enough vices as it is, thank you. I still say you’re eyes are going to go wonky! 😉
Patti, it’s true. My eyes are going “wonky” from tangling, but I’m willing to push through. However, I may have to find the perfect “tangling” glasses. One thing that helps is working in a good (very good) light.
As a lover of wood cuts and lino prints I love your Zentangles Suzanne –
Actually I think patterns are inherent in us and hence our strong infinity towards – Think of snowflakes and fractals in our landscape, in nature, as well as the Fibonacci ratios in nautilus shells –
I’m looking forward to watching where you go with this 🙂
Linda, I had never stopped to think about it, but you’re right. I think we’re hard wired to be attracted to patterns. They are one of the first things babies will stare at.
Before you, I had never heard of this passion so thanks for explaining. It looks like a beautiful and artistic way to express oneself.
Fun post! Zentangling looks like fun – much more so than Suduko!
I love this. Must try it. I’m having surgery that will take me off my feet for six weeks. This sounds like a fabulous thing to keep me occupied!
Tangling would be perfect for a time of enforced restricted physical activity. Best wishes for good luck with the surgery
I’ve seen friends talk about this, do this and share their work and I love it!!
I’m definitely intrigued and appreciate this informative take on the tangling! 😉
Hi, nice to meet you! I am also a tangler! Have you joined any of the groups on Facebook? the one with the r with the circle around it is the “official” group, but there are many others. I started last August. November, I’m attending class in Providence to become a CZT! Woohoo!
I belong to 2 FB zentangle/tangle groups. It’s good to know one is not alone in one’s addiction.
Wow! I never even heard of such a thing before. Your work is beautiful but I don’t have the bug. Glad it makes you happy though….
I’d never heard of this until today. My son is dysgraphic (he has some motor issues with writing) – I have to wonder if taking this up would help him relax while exercising and improving his skills. Thanks so much for the post!
It might make him more frustrated. There’s a lot of small, precise work, but perhaps if he worked big enough….
I’ve wondered what Zentangling is, and have seen others’ work and admired it–I’m a knitter and spinner, though, and my wool would get terribly lonely if I were to abandon it for pen and ink.
A friend gave me a Zentangle kit and I’m afraid to add yet another fun time suck to my life. Because I am a time-suck fanatic, doing ANYTHING but what i should be doing. I just put it on the shelf to pick up when I’ve done what i need to do. If I ever do those things. 😉
I think I may have found my new calling in life – Zentangle Pusher! Now if only I could find a way to channel some income from that, I’d be all set, LOL! Glad you’ve found and are enjoying your new addiction. 😉
Laural, it’s a pyramid. You addicted me to tangling and now I have my own adictees.
LOL, love it!
I absolutely have to try this. Where is the best place to start? Zentangle looks like the perfect addiction. Your latest tangles are amazing. Wow. Thanks for sharing.
Start by googling Zentangle or Tangle and check out Laurel Regan’s blog. She started me down the path of tangling no return. (See her comment above, accepting responsibility for my tangle addiction. She has a lot of good info).
I’m a doodler and have shied away from this because it seemed that there are “rules” (which seems contrary to doodling), but you’ve piqued my interest!
The pure Zentangle method taught by the founders has rules. Zentangle Inspired Art, does not.
I have always been a big doodler. I’m afraid Zentangle would suck me into a vortex I’d never escape! You’re so talented!
Yes, it’s a vortex—-sometimes a good vortex. Sometimes the mother of all time sucks. I’m not particularly talented. My high school art teacher called me “more careful than creative”.
I’ve never heard of zentangle. Those are some pretty elaborate doodles. Looks like fun.
Hi Suz
As a fellow daughter of an artist… you know who… I also have doodled all my life, especially during meetings, lectures, and long phone calls. I have doodled on my walls and every where else — but I am definitely not a zentangler (I think) because my doodles are the opposite of patterns — they are all over the place. Could be the akin to my very messy and illegible handwriting. Anyway (I mean, notwithstanding), I found it interesting to see the difference in your rather beautiful, symmetrical doodling patterns to my mostly chaotic ones.
Thanks for your addition to the conversation, Nina. That’s why I ended up as a lawyer. I always colored within the lines. Dad was not impressed. 😉
I am SO not going anywhere near this obviously addictive pursuit. Although I may keep it in mind for the next library In Service day.
I bet a Zentangle class at the library world go over well at the BC library.
The picture of you Zening at the shore looks like more than a coaster was used to create the circle. What were you using there? I am going to start this week. I need something to help relax me other than a mojito.
Robin, that was my largest one to date. I traced a salad plate for the circle, but I’ve used plenty of coasters. In fact, now I can never find one when I need it for —-say, a mojito—or something. 🙂
Hi Suzanne, thanks for visiting my blog and I am a “tangle addict” too! I love the book you cited here, I keep it at my desk for emergency tangling. I just TW’d your blog for followers so they can find your great piece on Zentangle® and get addicted too.
Thanks, Cathy. It turns out there are quite a few tangle addicts lurking about.
Love this post! The ‘rules’ in Zentangle (more like guidelines, actually) are things that maximize the Zen part of the drawing experience… they’re designed to remove obstacles, not to be bossy or complicate things. They remove decision-making and other distractions so you can focus on what you are drawing and not be overcome with anxiety about what to do next, as some people are. Following the Zentangle method doesn’t make other art ‘wrong’. Sometimes it just means it’s not technically a Zentangle, and there is nothing wrong with that. I keep my tangle stuff with me all the time, and now I never have to spend time waiting- I just have spontaneous artistic interludes 🙂 All you need is a pen and paper and a desire to draw…so at least it’s an affordable addiction with a side effect of awesome art!
Whenever I need some quiet downtime, I take out my tangling supplies. I’m actually looking forward to a 17+ hour flight from New York to South Africa in October. Nah. That’s a lie. 😉
Suzanne, I am one of the multitude of people that blames you for their new addiction and am most grateful to you for it! I’m still too shy to show my work, but will one of these days… in the meantime, I truly enjoy everyone’s art! Thank you again for planting the seed, I did the same with a friend or two and will keep talking about it, because it is great fun!
Azucena, good for you to come out of the Zentangle closet. 🙂 Check out the FB group “Zentangle Mutual Inspiration”. People of all levels share their work there and are very supportive of each other.
Hi Suzanne, It’s ok. I don’t blame you for my addiction. I did it all by myself. But you’re right -1. Art store/credit card = BAD combination. 2. Inky fingers. 3. Patterns everywhere. I dream patterns. 4.Patterned clothes – I’m starting to dress like my Gran. Group membership on FB – three so far.
Is it too late? Am I beyond a cure? Good, I’m fine with that. I’m out and I’m proud.
So, at the end of your blog you mentioned “Taking it up a notch…” Tell me more. Please. Soon.
I’m afraid you’re well past the point of no return. The only way you can take your addiction up a notch is to join some more Zentange/Tangle/Doodle Facebook groups—-and maybe spend $1,500 or so to become a CZT. As soon as a class opens up—I’m there 🙂 Out and proud, indeed!
Interesting how we all come to Zentangle® in different ways. I also described my self as a doodler. Zentangle gave direction to what I did. Besides a practice, it is fun to find other ways to use it. If you looked at some of the other pages on my blog you would have seen some examples of this. I think Sandy Hunter’s comments give a good explanation of what the guidelines are about Zentangle. Some guidelines are meant to restrict us and others can set us free. Good luck in your tangling journey and becoming a CZT.
Finally, someone who is not blaming me for their Zentangle addiction!
You are safe. That “honor” would have to go to my sister. She started tangling about 18 mos. before me and sent me one of the kits when she did her CZT seminar.
I have a feeling that book you and Karen Lynn are creating a zentangler. It is only a matter of time before I pick-up the pen! Thanks for sharing your post 🙂
And Darcie, once you pick up a pen to Zentangle, odds are that you won’t be putting it down.
I can’t blame you for my own personal addiction, but I did discover you and your blog through it, so it has to be a good thing. I can’t wait to hear about CZT 18 since I also partook of the Kool Aid and will be following you in 19…I’m looking forward to it. I wonder if we get to take notes (and then tangle them, of course). I’m not a laywer but my mother did bequeath me a rather fine vocabulary which does, indeed, include the word notwithstanding – and a whole lot of other big words. It took me a long time to realize that my son didn’t understood half of what I said to him…*sigh*. Now he speaks computereze, a language I regret being less than conversant in, so our roles are now reversed. I look at him with the same blank look he used to give me when I spoke to him…except he just thinks I’m stupid 🙂 Happy Tangling!
Suzanne, thanks so much for your kind words. I’m hoping some people will discover a synergy between two of my passions–travel and travel writing and Zentangle. I wish we were attending the same seminar.
You learn something everyday! I have never heard of tangle or Zentangle though I am a doodler! Somehow I can’t see myself wearing tangle patterned pants so I’m not sure I’ll be hooked! Good luck with your course Suzanne.
I am so fascinated by the 3 of you friends that are Zentanglers! I think the repetition can be calming and soothing. Now I find myself noticing repetitive patterns – particularly most recenty in Malaysia, but now I look up and see a piece of art here in our Mallorca condo with similar properties – and have even photographed them for sharing with you in the future! 🙂
I hope tangling isn’t catching! I’d never heard of it before, though I do have a natural predilection to make doodles along the lines of these pictures. Hmmm.
I wondered what zentangle was! They are mesmerizing and intriguing. If they relax you, too, then I should jump in! I never doodled before. But this doodling creates art! Maybe after the book is launched.
I love seeing how your work has developed. But I don’t like trying to find what rules that first attempt of your broke. Oh wait, there are no rules.
I had never heard of it until I followed Laurel on Instagram. I have no desire to learn or participate, however I LOVE the passion in your voice and in your pen. I am no expert, but I think you are quite talented. Enjoy it! Keep us posted on your progress. 🙂
I’ve always been a doodler and I love making patterns. But I have a nasty feeling this could be VERY addictive!
Every time I read your zentangle posts I get the urge to try it. I may just have to take the plunge.
You look like a very skilled Zentangler! How do you find the time???
I have been rather curious about you and your cool zentangles. I’ve also been a doodler — and some of my work is pretty darn impressive. 🙂 But… I’ve done nothing compared to your zentangles. Keep it up — Not all addictions are bad things. At least I hope that’s the case.
I’ve heard you talk about this before Suzanne but had no idea it was such an organized sport! As a doodler myself, it’s fascinating. Maybe you can show me the ropes at TBEX and break my sudoku habit.
I’ve always heard the word Zentangle but never stopped to learn what it was. I love to doodle but being the worst artist in the world I only draw hearts and tulips. If this can make me better AND create a meditative state I should definitely give it a whirl. Thanks, Suzanne. Where should I head for Zentangle 101? 🙂
Cathy, knowing some of what you’re dealing with, I think you might find Zentangle to be a positive thing. You can consult the “official” website: http://www.zentangle.com. There is also a list on that site at https://www.zentangle.com/teachers.php that lets you look for Certified Zentangle Teachers in your area. It was a year before I actually took a course—and I went right to the BIG course—the CZT training. I was able to get seriously into it using the book I identified at the end of my post. It’s a paperback. Let me know if you start drinking the Kool Aid. 😉
Now I have to give this a try. If I don’t already have enough. I love seeing these drawings. Since I can’t draw a straight line maybe this is for me, than I can incorporate the design into my weaving. 🙂
Connie, if you want to stop by, I’d be happy to show you my Zentangle “stuff”, supplies, books.
I must be among the last few on earth to hear about this, but it sounds awesome. ANYTHING that helps us relax, unwind, and destress ( with no harmful side effects) has got to be a good thing. This sounds like a potentially good addiction! 🙂 I’m gonna try it and (hopefully) thank you later. LOL
Your work looks great, I especially like the thank you mandalas! My Grandmother, who passed away at 99 years just a few months ago, liked to do mandalas as long as her fingers would allow her to keep going.
As for me I think I’m more of a writer than a doodler. So for example in class, when others would portray the teacher as a clown, I’d write notes to my classmates, talking about recess or after school activities. Today, I am the one organizing class reunions. Fitting, right?
Thanks for stopping by Tamara. I refer to myself as an extroverted introvert. I can carry on and enjoy long conversations IRL, but not everyday. I’m kinda way out there on social media. (If you were my mother, you would have all sorts of parental permissions on my social media accounts.) However, I’m also ok spending long hours alone—depending on how you count the dog and the few hours spent spent with my husband, Mr. Excitement. He’s working at home during the Covid 19 pandemic. Fortunately, we’re both pretty low maintenance. In my alone hours, I find drawing repetitive patterns (“one stroke at a time)” to calm and soothe my mind.
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