1. Adj.: Describing a person born between 1 Jan. 1946 and 31 Dec. 1964
2. Adj.: Description of a person, place or thing possessing Baby Boomer je ne sais quoi
3. See also, Boomer, Esq.: A Baby Boomer who is also a licensed attorney (See, e.g., About).

Zentangle Diva’s Challenge #224 – Happy Birthday to the USA Edition

by Suzanne Fluhr on June 29, 2015 · 23 comments

Zentangle Diva's challenge #224

[If you’re not sure what this Zentangle thing is all about, start here.]

Independence hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This week, the Zentangle Diva challenged us to do a monotangle using just the tangle Tipple. My first reaction was “Really?” BTW, I have nothing against Tipple. In fact, it finds its way somewhere into most of my tiles. (For the uninitiated, Tipple is just little circles.) Since we are supposed to only use that one tangle, I realized I was going to have to try to introduce some interest using other techniques. I decided to use a zendala and color. The color gave me the chance to use some gel metallic rolling pens.

My mistake was to do one row of way too dark circles. I even contemplated starting over, but I have to put on my lawyer hat today and do a four hour Continuing Legal Education (CLE) course. Since starting over also contravenes the “rule” about there not being any mistakes, maybe the fact that I have to leave for the course is saving me from myself. So, here’s what I came up with:

Zentangle Diva's challenge #224

20150629_180044-1 - CopyThere are psychological studies maintaining that tangling while listening to a lecture helps with concentration and retention. I tested that today and I think it’s definitely true. I sat through 4 hours of lectures without falling asleep or wanting to run screaming from the room.

This Saturday is the Fourth of July, the day we celebrate our independence from Great Britain here in the United States. I live in Philadelphia, the place where the Declaration of Independence was debated and signed. It was quite a momentous undertaking. As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

Over this last weekend, I had the chance to have lunch with some local bloggers. We met in the heart of the historic district of Philadelphia near the Delaware River. I had a 22 block walk home (only about 2 miles) to our apartment on Rittenhouse


Square. I found plenty of tangle inspirations. Here are a few:

Door grill design, Old City Philadelphia

Decorative grill on a door in Old City, Philadelphia.

Door grill design, Old City Philadelphia

Another door grill.

Zentangle inspiration in Philadelphia

This is the pattern on the curb cuts that were added to make the sidewalks more accessible to those with mobility issues.







If you’re from the United States, how do you celebrate the Fourth of July? If you’re not from the United States, what’s your country’s main patriotic holiday?

{ 23 comments… read them below or add one }

Maggibee June 30, 2015 at 4:01 am

I think your zendala idea is excellent, Suzanne. I see what you mean about the darker row but I’m not sure I agree, it adds definition and structure. i also like the way you sectioned the colours into red/grey/black, then golds, then pastels.


Suzanne Fluhr June 30, 2015 at 8:41 am

Thanks for being a glass half full person.


Debbie June 30, 2015 at 6:08 am

Hello, you.

Your zendala is really fun – it made me think ‘target practice’, and for a bit I thought the black outline was deliberate. It doesn’t look misplaced at all, in fact it draws the eye in.

P.S. Those photograph tangles are simply gorgeous! Thank you for sharing them 🙂


Suzanne Fluhr June 30, 2015 at 8:42 am

Now that I look at them again, I think my lecture tangling looks like a brain with a flagpole stuck in it.


Deb Myers June 30, 2015 at 7:03 am

Your “mistake” really paid off! I love that circle of dark tipple! It really makes the piece! Great tippling job! 🙂


Ilse June 30, 2015 at 7:26 am

Your Tipple zendala reminds me of a beautiful mosaic!


Wendy June 30, 2015 at 7:34 am

I think it all looks just fine. The dark row adds emphasis to the design. Since you have other dark tipples, they keep it from looking overwhelming. Nice design!


Lee Darter June 30, 2015 at 9:42 am

that is just amazing!


hungrycorgistudio June 30, 2015 at 11:11 am

So creative and pleasantly colored. You have great ideas. Very nice! Sarah


Cari Sultanik June 30, 2015 at 1:03 pm

I love this tile, one of my favorites of yours, actually. And that grate on the door! LOVE that! So glad you shared it.


Suzanne Fluhr June 30, 2015 at 2:18 pm

Cari, we’ll have to go on a search for tangle inspirations in the City of Brotherly Love together some day.


Yukari June 30, 2015 at 1:27 pm

Your zendala is beautiful! I’ve seen articles about doodling during lectures help with retention. I know that tangling relaxes me.


Annie June 30, 2015 at 1:38 pm

Really like your zendala and had a double take when I saw your programme title and notes – at first I didn’t get how the tangles were there!! Lol.

I find it incredible that I look at things so differently now I am a tangler. You’ve spotted some lovely inspirations in Philadelphia.



Antonine June 30, 2015 at 3:28 pm

I love your tipple Zendala! It looks like a riverstone floor mosaic. Amazing what you can do with just little circles. I love your lecture tangles even more! Any number of lines popped into my head on that one. Thank you for sharing the patterns you discovered on your walk. They’re everywhere, aren’t they?


Jean Chaney June 30, 2015 at 6:36 pm

Oh, my, you certainly did a lot of Tipple. But, it looks great! Fourth of July. Hummm, now that they have made fireworks legal in AZ, they are going off for many hours instead of just a half hour, so I will be trying to calm my poor dog who is terrified 🙁 Hope you have a wonderful 4th!


Sue Sharp June 30, 2015 at 9:09 pm

Love your Tipple Zendala! What a great way to get through lectures!


HeidiSue June 30, 2015 at 10:40 pm

There is something comforting about your tipple piece. I think it reminds me of something my gramma would have had. And that doodling on the program cover…the title, plus the shape of the zia,(which reminds me of a brain) made me think that someone had asked a CZT to design the cover, and that EVERYONE got a packet like that. hahahaha! Good work. I’ll have to try out the theory that tangling makes for better listening.


LonettA July 1, 2015 at 12:44 am

Wonderful Tipple zendala! Lovely colours and contrast!


Annemarie July 1, 2015 at 1:41 am

Your idea with Tipple is quite original and different. I do like it.


Donald W July 1, 2015 at 10:27 pm

The zendala is a nice approach. I think the black circle is a nice contrast to the colors. Reminds me of the dart board that use to have growing up.


Diane Clancy July 2, 2015 at 8:50 am

Sue, this is amazing!! You have taken Tipple and made it really fun!! I like the dark row myself!! Lovely lovely lovely!! 🙂

~ Diane Clancy


David Hunter July 2, 2015 at 9:15 am

Love your Tile, Suzanne. You really got into your Zen on this beautiful Challenge. To me it is very soothing to look at. So clean and organized. You work on the PBI50 cover is awesome. It would have been perfect to have it printed on all of the covers. It belongs there. Wonderful Post.


Chrissie July 2, 2015 at 5:56 pm

This is a lovely tile, although, it reminded me of a dart board. I’m in the UK and going to a Country Music Festival and camping. Enjoy your weekend.


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