1. Adj.: Describing a person born between 1 Jan. 1946 and 31 Dec. 1964
2. Adj.: Description of a person, place or thing possessing Baby Boomer je ne sais quoi
3. See also, Boomer, Esq.: A Baby Boomer who is also a licensed attorney (See, e.g., About).


A Boomeresque Holiday Gift Guide: Books, Travel, Zentangle®

December 11, 2017 12 comments

Disclosure: Boomeresque has an affiliate relationship with Amazon. In English, this means if you make a purchase from Amazon starting with one of the links in this post, Boomeresque will receive an infinitesimal very small commission which will help support my blogging habit.  This holiday gift guide is a little self indulgent in that I’ve chosen […]

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Zentangle Diva Challenge #339 – My “Bullet Journal” Halloween Edition

October 31, 2017 12 comments

Philadelphia witch

Today is Halloween. Bah Humbug (oh wait, wrong holiday). We live in an apartment and both our sons are grown and flown so Halloween is basically a “nothing burger” around here. However, the Zentangle Diva challenge this week is to compose something to represent fall or Halloween. In order to avoid having to make a […]

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Zentangle Diva Challenge #271 – Beads of Courage and Tree of Life Edition

June 13, 2016 27 comments

Ceramic Tree of Life from Guanajuato, Mexico.

(If you’re new to the concept of Zentangle®, you can read about it here.) This week, the Zentangle Diva (Laura Harms) challenged us to do a composition acknowledging the “Beads of Courage” program. Laura’s younger son was born with a congenital condition known as Moebius Syndrome. Her little guy has had to endure many hospitalizations and medical […]

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Zentangle Diva’s Challenge #232 – I’m Not that Zen Edition

August 24, 2015 16 comments

Zentangle Diva Challenge #232 Betweed

This week, guest Zentangle Diva, Holly Atwater, challenged us to listen to an audio Zentangle meditation and to produce a tile created without any preconception about what the tangles are supposed to look like; in other words, to truly embrace the Zentangle method of creating art “one stroke at a time”. Recognizing that some of […]

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What is Zentangle™ and is it Habit Forming?

July 14, 2014 193 comments

Zentangle Inspired Art

(This post was revised on April 23, 2015 after I became a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT), and most recently on May 10, 2020). My name is Jane Doe Suzanne and I’m a tangle addict. Apparently, I’m also a pusher as several friends are now also tangle addicts. (You know who you are.) The thing is, I […]

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Sail Away with P&O Cruises

August 26, 2013 0 comments

Mr. Excitement and I enjoy leaving the “driving” to a cruise ship captain on occasion, but we have never taken a cruise that departed from a European port. Therefore, I am pleased to be able to share this guest post by Catherine Lavinia who hails from the United Kingdom and has written this article about […]

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Active, Adventurous and Able

August 5, 2013 45 comments

What happens if you start to develop mobility problems, but still want to travel the world? Hopefully, you travel the world. These days, a disability or illness need not spell the death knell for indulging our wanderlust. Obviously, for us Boomeresque types, before booking any adventure activity, it’s highly advisable to speak with one’s physician. […]

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A Shoobie View of Brigantine Beach, New Jersey

June 25, 2013 54 comments

Brigantine, New Jersey beach scene.

(Updated October 8, 2021). Philadelphians don’t go to the beach. We go “down the shore”—or if we are speaking really fast or have over-imbibed, “down a shore”. The locals “down the shore” call us shoobies. “SHOOBIE” — definitions from the Urban Dictionary: 1. n.  Regional nickname denoting a tourist to the southern New Jersey shore. This […]

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Baby Boomer Dog Daze

August 30, 2012 89 comments

My husband and I came by our predilections for working twelve hours a day honestly.  We’re Baby Boomers and must feel some vestigial responsibility to atone for our generation’s earlier excesses with sex, drugs and rock and roll.  Given our work schedules, it was a no-brainer that our two sons would be the only mammals […]

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Solo (but Not So Low) at Brigantine Beach

August 21, 2012 34 comments

Life Saving Boat on Brigantine Beach

(updated September 2019) When Philadelphians talk about going “down tha’ shore”, they mean any of the beach towns from the southern tip of New Jersey (Cape May) north through Long Beach Island.  Any further north than that and you run the risk of entering a Seven Eleven and running into people wearing New York Giants […]

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