If you’re new to the Zentangle method, you should start here. If you only want to see beautiful photos of the snow on Rittenhouse Square, you can scroll down.
Otherwise, let’s get right to this week’s Zentangle Diva challenge which was to use 2 semi-circles as the string for our tile. Laura (the Diva) also invited us to do more than one tile to be able to make a mosaic. This was fun. In fact, lately I’ve been fooling around with combining more than one tile in some Zentangle Inspired Art.

Not this week’s challenge. Blame tangential thinking. Four “tile” Zentangle Inspired Art. The tiles are traced on white cardstock. I used Sakura Gelly Roll metallic pens and Prismacolor pencils. (If you purchase these products from Amazon using these links, I will receive a very tiny small commission that does not affect your price, but will be used to support my craft supply addiction habit.)
I digress for a change. Back to this week’s challenge. Two out of the 4 tangles I used were ones I’ve deconstructed and shared: Phirst and Dinoflor. The other two are the one that looks like a chain and one that’s a tangleation of N’zeppel. I am mortified that I don’t remember the name of the one that looks like a chain because I use it quite often. Can anyone help me with that?
Does anyone have a good index system for tangles that helps them find and remember the names of the gazillions of tangles that now exist? I have a Pinterest board where I keep tangle deconstructions, but it is not organized in any way. That board currently has 826 pins, so you can appreciate the magnitude of the problem.
In any case, here is what I came up with for this week’s challenge:

I used 2 regular official tiles from the Zentangle Mother Ship, and 2 of their Renaissance tiles. In keeping with the Renaissance tile vibe, I used brown and black microns.
And here are the same tiles in another configuration:
Those of you who follow me here or on Facebook and/or on Instagram know I often whine mention that I live in an apartment we unaffectionately refer to as “The Cave” because of its severe deficiency in natural light. Therefore, to take photos of my tiles without shadows from the artificial lights that abound in our living space, I took them over to the floor to ceiling windows that admit a scant amount of light. The reason our living space is so dark despite the windows is that they look out into a courtyard. Today, I looked down and saw this which I find reminiscent of today’s challenge:
(Don’t ask me how we managed to buy an apartment condo without realizing that it receives virtually no light. Doh. SMH.)
Mid-November Snow on Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Today, I woke up to the earliest accumulating snow I can remember. Here in Philadelphia, in southeastern Pennsylvania, we very rarely receive snow before Thanksgiving which we celebrate on the 4th Thursday in November in the United States. We certainly weren’t expecting an early snow this year because our fall has been late. We still have many leaves on the trees and even some flowers still blooming which made for this strange, but beautiful scene in Philadelphia’s Rittenhouse Square. I took this photo while walking our dog at 11:00 a.m.:

There are still roses on the rose bushes in the foreground and many leaves on the trees, seeming out of place with today’s snowfall on Rittenhouse Square in Center City Philadelphia. Actually, it’s the mid-November snow that seems out of season.
Today, “The Cave” feels cozy rather than depressingly dark; perfect for tangling with the dog snuggled up to me on the couch. (BTW, the dog is named Dino–the same dog for whom I named Dinoflor.)
{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }
Lovely tiles and mosaic. I especially like your variation on ‘Nzeppel. Very pretty snow pictures. It snowed here in Baltimore/DC also, even though some of the trees still have green leaves.
I usually crawl around Tanglepatterns.com when I’m looking for the name of something, and she does have an e-book which might be useful. I haven’t tried it though. I try to stick with the Official Zentangle patterns when possible, and tripped across this site (https://tanglelist.com/list-of-official-zentangle-patterns-step-outs-youtube-tutorials/) this week, and it would be super perfect… if they’d actually added a picture of the tangle! Oh well. In my tile this week I couldn’t find one that I use all the time either. Let’s chalk it up to winter coming. 😉
Winter is here already with today’s snow. I need another excuse. I looked on tanglepatterns.com also. Oh well. Hopefully, someone will know. I think I learned it from a Diva challenge, but there are a lot of those to go through.
It’s been bugging me… Is it Noom? http://tanglepatterns.com/2017/03/how-to-draw-noom.html
Yes. That’s it! Thank you. I was afraid to google Noom because it’s also the name of a new diet plan I keep getting ads for, so I thought I just had Noom on the brain.
Ha! So true. Beware the query!!!
Lovely Suzanne!
Love the Zia and your tiles for the diva challenge. Not ready so much for the white stuff… we are slated for some more tonight.
The combination of Renaissance and white tiles gives an interesting interpretation of your beautiful drawn tangles and creates a wonderful mosaic. I also like your Zia.
I do not like snow and the cold winter very much, but I like to paint snowy landscapes. And I like your beautiful pictures of the snowy park and your courtyard! There you have captured perfectly this wonderfully tender and quiet mood with the photo.
Snow can be very pretty to be sure, especially while it’s falling and just after a snowfall. However, living in a city, it quickly becomes dirty and a nuisance. Also, people put rock salt on the sidewalks to help melt the snow and that is very hard on our dog’s feet. Then, there’s the cold and the shortened days. We’ll be escaping to Hawaii for a few weeks in February, so that will help me get through the winter.
I like the way you draw the floral patterns. For me, they have a look of soft cotton fabric.
Lovely mosaic. I moved to Texas in September – and guess what, the coldest November on record!! Ha Ha. Laugh is on me. So I tangle away also. I love your mosaics – great patterning. To keep track of patterns, I follow Eni Oken’s style of a notebook of favorites divided into categories. Slowly adding to it.
As far as I can tell, Texas has Biblical weather. You know what they say, “Everything is bigger in Texas”—-including the weather.
I love your colorful combo and your Diva mosaic is so elegant
I gave up trying to remember pattern names ages ago.
I’m glad I’m not the only one.