Most of the time, when we think about “travel”, we are out and about — on road trips, flying across countries and continents, sailing the high seas or memorable rivers, riding the rails or even hiking on our own two feet. Sometimes we’re off on new adventures and sometimes we’re revisiting old haunts. Our bodies have been transported to somewhere other than their usual habitat.
But, sometimes, we travel in our minds — remembering times past. These travels down memory lane may be triggered by deja vu moments sparked by something we read, a song on the radio, seeing someone who looks like an old friend, a familiar scene, a taste or even an odor.
This month, Boomeresque, is inviting bloggers to share their “Travels Down Memory Lane“.
Enjoy each of the posts below by clicking on the links. After you click, you may discover other articles by the same blogger that are of interest to you, or you may even find a new blog you would like to follow. We hope you will become engaged readers by leaving a comment on the blog posts you read and by sharing them with your friends.
If you are a blogger reading this, please join the fun by adding your own “Travel Down Memory Lane” post to the collection. Click on the link tool below and enter the URL to the specific post you want to share, fill in the title of the blog post and select a thumbnail photo. Entries can be added any time during the month of July.
Take us along on your trip down memory lane. Please add this to your blog post: A link to this post also appears on Boomeresque. You can go there to read other blog posts on the theme of “Travels Down Memory Lane.
{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }
Remember the good times is always nice and well the bad times are something to reflect on as well. We can look at the bad times with better knowledge than we could at the current time.
Yes. Memory Lane goes all sorts of places. Some of them can be kind of dark.
Thanks for posting #16, Dick Jordan and for the social media publicity, Catherine Sweeney.
Thanks for hosting this month’s linkup, Suzanne. I enjoyed reading everyone’s travel memories.
Thanks, Marcia. Hopefully, a few more people will remember something and share a blog post before the end of the month.
Hi Suzanne!
I’ve come over and read your blog several times from the Everywhereist over the past year. And to be honest I will be making more frequent visits because each time I do click over to here I tell myself to remember to come back soon! This Trip Down Memory Lane post was so ingenius and clever! I’m enjoying reading what’s been posted starting at the top 🙂
Duh on me for not doing it earlier I subscribed to your blog just now 🙂
Thanks so much, Mike. Geraldine is one of my blogging heroes, so I’m also flattered that you’ve come over from her blog. Thanks also for your wonderful contribution to this blog carnival.
I don’t know what I did wrong but it should read under the Back to the Future picture “My Best Date Ever” not “Mike”. If you’re able to correct that it would be great 🙂
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