1. Adj.: Describing a person born between 1 Jan. 1946 and 31 Dec. 1964
2. Adj.: Description of a person, place or thing possessing Baby Boomer je ne sais quoi
3. See also, Boomer, Esq.: A Baby Boomer who is also a licensed attorney (See, e.g., About).


The Pirates Den, A Year-Round Brigantine, New Jersey Restaurant Tradition

August 25, 2019 12 comments

Blackboard specials at the Pirates Den, Brigantine, NJ

In September of 2006, when we made our first ever visit to Brigantine, New Jersey on a barrier island just north of Atlantic City, a local resident recommended we eat at the Pirates Den restaurant. We have been repeat visitors at the Pirates Den several times each year since then. Note to my Myriad Grammar […]

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Brigantine, New Jersey Flowers in the Garden State

July 31, 2018 5 comments

Russian sage and black eyed Susans in a Brigantine, New Jersey garden

I confess admit when I first learned New Jersey’s “official” nickname is the Garden State, I might have probably snickered — guffawed even. But, that was before we discovered the Brigantine, New Jersey flowers and sunsets. We were bewitched impressed enough to buy a summer house “down the shore” (what Philadelphians call any beach town in southern New […]

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Zentangle Diva Challenge #333 – Tropical Storm José Go Away Edition

September 18, 2017 18 comments

After the sunset, Brigantine, New Jersey

(If Zentangle® is a new concept for you, start here.) Today, Seattle area podcasters CZTs Juliette Fiessinger and Kellie Fellinge are guest Divas. I don’t know if they knew Hurricane José is heading this way when they challenged us to do a tile using tangles that are “Cozy” for this week’s Zentangle Diva challenge. I […]

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Zentangle Diva Challenge #318 – Brigantine Beach Diptych Edition

June 1, 2017 9 comments

Zentangle diptych 3

Zentangle is a meditative art form. You can read more about it here. This week, the Zentangle Diva, Laura Harms, challenged us to do a diptych. A dip-what? (I’m having trouble with words today. I don’t know what “covfefe” means either.) Actually, my brain managed to resurrect memories from my university Art History 101 course. […]

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Zentangle Diva Challenge #286 – Back from England & Iceland Edition

September 26, 2016 25 comments

Zentangle Diva Challenge Straight Lines

For the first time since I started doing the Zentangle Diva’s weekly challenges some time in 2014, I missed several weeks in a row. No excuses. I left my summer digs in Brigantine, New Jersey on August 29th and left for two weeks in England and Iceland two days later, but I’ve participated in weekly […]

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Zentangle Diva Challenge #277 – Running Round in Circles, but Stay Cool

July 26, 2016 17 comments

Morning on Brigantine Beach.

  I wan’t sure I’d be able to participate in this week’s challenge because of tendonitis in the wrist of my tangling hand which has lingered for over a month. The Zentangle Diva challenged us to use circles as our string for a composition this week. “Aha,” I thought. “I’ll just use one of the circle […]

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Hindsight – A Somewhat Self Indulgent Look Back on 2015 Travels

January 5, 2016 19 comments

Zentangle Inspired Art Peace Bird

Actually, this look back is probably more like full on self indulgent, partly so I will be able to remember the pretty good year that just passed and partly for the few people who bemoan the loss of our my yearly newsletter that was tucked into the snail mail holiday cards I used to send. We […]

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Zentangle Diva #237 – Pope, Fleas and Stencils (Oh My!) Edition

September 28, 2015 29 comments

Zentangle Inspired Art

[Are you new to the Zentangle method? Then, start HERE.] I admit I almost did not attempt today’s challenge by guest diva, Charlotte Carpentier, CZT. Charlotte’s challenge was for us to use a stencil as our string. Before I could even think about the challenge, we had to pack up to return to Philadelphia from […]

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Philadelphia Phreak Out – Popeapocalypse Now

September 1, 2015 85 comments

(Updated September 23, 2015) Did you hear or do you live under a rock? Pope Francis is coming to Philadelphia!  The Pope is visiting Philadelphia! In conjunction with the World Meeting of Families, Pope Francis will be in Philadelphia at three public events in Center City on Saturday, September 26th and Sunday, September 27th, 2015. […]

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Zentangle Diva’s Challenge #232 – I’m Not that Zen Edition

August 24, 2015 16 comments

Zentangle Diva Challenge #232 Betweed

This week, guest Zentangle Diva, Holly Atwater, challenged us to listen to an audio Zentangle meditation and to produce a tile created without any preconception about what the tangles are supposed to look like; in other words, to truly embrace the Zentangle method of creating art “one stroke at a time”. Recognizing that some of […]

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