1. Adj.: Describing a person born between 1 Jan. 1946 and 31 Dec. 1964
2. Adj.: Description of a person, place or thing possessing Baby Boomer je ne sais quoi
3. See also, Boomer, Esq.: A Baby Boomer who is also a licensed attorney (See, e.g., About).

Brigantine Restaurant

The Macedonian Grill – A Boomeresque Brigantine, New Jersey Restaurant Review

June 18, 2015 24 comments

Macedonian Grill, Brigantine, New Jersey

Alas, The Macedonian Grill Has Gone Out of Business (Update: July 22, 2018)  I hate to think that a restaurant review by Boomeresque is the kiss of death, but after 10 years, Jimmy, a/k/a Dimitrios Constantine Dounoulis, decided to change careers. However, the location is now owned by another family, this time, Mexican-American, and they have […]

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