1. Adj.: Describing a person born between 1 Jan. 1946 and 31 Dec. 1964
2. Adj.: Description of a person, place or thing possessing Baby Boomer je ne sais quoi
3. See also, Boomer, Esq.: A Baby Boomer who is also a licensed attorney (See, e.g., About).

Old Posts

Comcast: Customer Friendly? Really?

June 6, 2011 10 comments

Thumbnail image for Comcast: Customer Friendly? Really?

2019 Update Have you ever wondered to yourself, “What’s the difference between Comcast and Xfinity?” I’m sure you then decided you needed to get a life and promptly returned your thoughts to whatever important activity in which you were engaged. Fear not. I googled it for you. This is the main result of my search: […]

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On the Wings of Man — From Philly to Hawaii

November 24, 2010 0 comments

Thumbnail image for On the Wings of Man — From Philly to Hawaii

            [This post was written on November 9, 2010 when we flew to Hawaii.] It’s less than two months since we flew home from Japan and I again find myself composing a blog post at 35,000 feet on the second leg of a journey that is taking us from Philly […]

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Would you like salted fish guts with that??

October 4, 2010 7 comments

Thumbnail image for Would you like salted fish guts with that??

As a long time resident of a major, mid-Atlantic American city (Philadelphia), I considered myself quite cosmopolitan in terms of my exposure to foreign food, including Japanese. However, after two weeks of eating Japanese food—in Japan of all places—I realize that sushi from an American supermarket is just Japanese food lite. Several of our hotels […]

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Flushing Sound???

October 2, 2010 22 comments

After a thirteen hour flight from Toronto, Canada to Japan, upon our arrival at Tokyo’s Narita International Airport, I made my usual ladies room stop upon deplaning. This proved to be my first, “Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore” moment of our trip. I assume that it is merely coincidental that “Toto” is the name […]

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September 19, 2010 12 comments

At the risk of sounding terribly bourgeois (and maybe like a Baby Boomer), I must say that the opportunity to make our trip to Japan flying business class made the “getting there” and “getting back” actually a pleasant memory. “Pleasant” is not a word usually associated with air travel these days—especially when the flights (between […]

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A Trailing Spouse

August 29, 2010 5 comments

Cajas National Park, Cuenca, Ecuador

[Updated and edited:  2017, 2018) Even the Baby Boomer generation had a boom within itself. My high school class was the largest in the history of our school. We seriously strained the infrastructure. My assigned seat in chemistry class was on the radiator. I attended the Philadelphia High School for Girls which at the time […]

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