1. Adj.: Describing a person born between 1 Jan. 1946 and 31 Dec. 1964
2. Adj.: Description of a person, place or thing possessing Baby Boomer je ne sais quoi
3. See also, Boomer, Esq.: A Baby Boomer who is also a licensed attorney (See, e.g., About).

New Jersey

Brigantine, New Jersey Flowers in the Garden State

July 31, 2018 5 comments

Russian sage and black eyed Susans in a Brigantine, New Jersey garden

I confess admit when I first learned New Jersey’s “official” nickname is the Garden State, I might have probably snickered — guffawed even. But, that was before we discovered the Brigantine, New Jersey flowers and sunsets. We were bewitched impressed enough to buy a summer house “down the shore” (what Philadelphians call any beach town in southern New […]

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Gardens in New Jersey, the Garden State

June 18, 2017 13 comments

I used to be one of those people who rolled their eyes when I heard New Jersey referred to as the Garden State. Really? New Jersey? Gardens? Growing up, my exposure to New Jersey was pretty much limited to rides up the New Jersey Turnpike to visit my grandparents in Brooklyn, New York. This trip involved […]

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And the Rockets’ Red Glare….

July 23, 2013 52 comments

My husband, Steve (a/k/a Mr. Excitement), and I are “empty nester” Baby Boomers.  We’ve been together (as a couple) for 32 years, most of them with our noses to the proverbial grindstone  — actually, usually, several grindstones concurrently. Our roles as lawyer/physician-scientist/parents/caretakers left little time (nor energy) for much self expression. Over the last few […]

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Seriously Smitten by Sunsets in Brigantine, New Jersey (A Photo Essay Mostly)

July 15, 2013 67 comments

Sunset over Saint George's Thoroughfare Bay, Brigantine, New Jersey

Although New Jersey is blessed with approximately 130 miles of wide, sandy ocean beaches, New Jersey is on the east coast of the United States, so its ocean beaches are generally not good places from which to watch the sun set over the water — what with the sun setting in the west and all. […]

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A Shoobie View of Brigantine Beach, New Jersey

June 25, 2013 54 comments

Brigantine, New Jersey beach scene.

(Updated October 8, 2021). Philadelphians don’t go to the beach. We go “down the shore”—or if we are speaking really fast or have over-imbibed, “down a shore”. The locals “down the shore” call us shoobies. “SHOOBIE” — definitions from the Urban Dictionary: 1. n.  Regional nickname denoting a tourist to the southern New Jersey shore. This […]

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