1. Adj.: Describing a person born between 1 Jan. 1946 and 31 Dec. 1964
2. Adj.: Description of a person, place or thing possessing Baby Boomer je ne sais quoi
3. See also, Boomer, Esq.: A Baby Boomer who is also a licensed attorney (See, e.g., About).

Holidaying Abroad on a Budget: Top Tips to Help Keep the Costs Down

by Suzanne Fluhr on July 22, 2013 · 0 comments

(This  is a guest post by Catherine Lavinia who shares her tips for being able to afford the chance to leave home on holiday). 

Currency Symbols

Holidays don’t come cheaply nowadays – especially when you consider heading abroad to soak up the sun.  In order to ensure that your stint out of your home country isn’t one that takes your spending overboard, it is important to plan prudently to save money wherever possible.

Look for Package Deals

The key to starting off on the right foot when it comes to holidays that won’t break the bank is to look for and secure an inexpensive package deal. Direct Holidays, and other online agents, provide some fantastic offers throughout the year. With the summer months already in full swing, you can take advantage of some great options, including 10% off last minute breaks and bargains for holidays in Turkey from £229 per person.

Use No Fee Credit Cards for Currency Conversion

If you’re planning on making foreign purchases with a credit card, apply for one that doesn’t charge a currency conversion fee and/or a percentage of purchase fee. With most credit cards, you can rack up a good amount of additional spending with these fees. Do your homework and make sure you travel with a card that will provide  the best options for your holiday spending.

Don’t Wait to Buy Your Travel Gadgets at the Airport

Don’t be tempted by the multitude of gadgets and accessories that jump out at you at the airport. Travel games, adapter plugs and travel cushions are all cheaper if bought from your normal high street or on-line, so be organised and buy in advance. Don’t knock the pound shops (or dollar and euro stores) either.  It’s amazing what you can pick up from them at rock-bottom prices!

Bring Your Own Food

Take along your own food for your flights. While liquids are closely monitored, food is less so. Pack your own meals and snacks, avoiding the need to spend unnecessarily on hiked amounts for in-flight and in-airport grub.

Enjoy Your Holiday!

These tips will help you to save money even before you touchdown in your resort and it’s just the start of the money saving advice you can find online for your specific destination to ensure that your summer break doesn’t break the bank.

(Boomeresque was compensated for this post).

Do you have any tips for creating and keeping to a holiday budget?

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